Al Maful Al Mutlaq, المفعول المطلق, is a verbal noun that is related to the verb. It is used to add emphasis or for clarity.

Case: المفعول المطلق is always منصوب.

It has three functions:

  1. To emphasise the action e.g. وكلم الله موسى تكليماً
  2. To clarify the ‘type’ e.g. سرت سيراً سريعاً
  3. To clarify the number e.g. ضربت زيداً ضربتين

Al Maful Al Mutlaq can either be phonetic or semantic:

  1. Phonetic (لفظي) - When it agrees with the verb phonetically and in meaning. All of the examples above are of this form.
  2. Semantic (معنوي) - When it agrees with the verb only in meaning but not phonetically. E.g.فرحتُ جذلاً، ضربتُه لكماً، جلست قعوداً