I constantly need to remind myself of the grammar rules when dealing with numbers. Here’s my high level summary:
Numbers 1 and 2
- Number:
- Gender: Agrees with noun
- Case: Agrees with noun
- Noun:
- Singular
- Case: Depends on the role in the sentence
- Note - the number is usually implied through the noun, so you don’t have to explicitly mention the number
- (كتابٌ (واحدٌ
- (قلمان (إثنان
Numbers 3 - 10
- Number:
- Gender: Disagrees with noun
- Case: Depends on the role in the sentence
- Noun:
- Plural
- Case: Genitive (majrūr), given the number is usually placed in an idāfa (noun following the number)
- أربعةُ طلابٍ
- عَشْرُ سياراتٍ
The counted noun for 11 - 99 is singular, in the acusative (mansūb), and will have a tanween unless stated otherwise
Number 11
- Number:
- Gender: Agrees with noun (both parts of the number)
- Case: Accusative (mansūb) without tanween
- Noun:
- Singular
- Case: Accusative (mansūb)
- أحدَ عَشَرَ كتاباً
- رأيتُ إحدى عشْرةَ سيارةَ
Number 12
- Number:
- Gender: Agrees with noun (both parts of the number)
- Case: The first part of the number changes based on the role in the sentence
- Noun:
- Singular
- Case: Accusative (mansūb)
- إثْنا عَشرَ كتاباً - Twelve books
- قرأتُ إثْنىْ عَشرَ كتاباً - I read twelve books
- إثْنَتا عشرةَ رسالةً - Twelve letters
- قرأتُ إثْنتىْ عَشرةَ رسالةَ - I read twelve letters
Numbers 13 - 19
- Number:
- Gender: The first part of the number agrees with the noun, the second part disagrees
- Case: The first part of the number changes based on the role in the sentence
- Noun:
- Singular
- Case: Accusative (mansūb)
- خَمْسةَ عَشرَ أستاذاً - Fifteen teachers
- سَبْعَ عَشرةَ طائرةً - Seventeen airplanes
Numbers 20 - 99
- Number:
- Gender: If the number ends in 1 or 2 (e.g. 21, 32, 41) then it agrees with the noun. The other numbers disagree with the noun. The tens part of the number doesn’t change with gender
- Case: Depends on the role in the sentence
- Noun:
- Singular
- Case: Accusative (mansūb)
- لدي واحدٌ وعشرونَ كتابا
- اشتريت هذا الكتاب بواحدٍ وعشرين جنيهًا
- قرأت واحدًا وعشرين كتابًا
- حضر الحفلَ خمسةٌ وعشرون مدعوًّا
- له تسعٌ وتسعون نعجةً
- سبعونَ ذراعًا
Numbers 100, 1000 (and multiples)
- Number:
- Gender: If the number ends in 1 or 2 (e.g. 21, 32, 41) then it agrees with the noun. The other numbers disagree with the noun.
- Case: Depends on the role in the sentence. Note: 300, 400, 500 etc are themselves idafas so will be genitive (majrūr) - ثلاثُ مئةٍ, أَرْبَعُ مئةٍ
- Noun:
- Singular
- Case: Genitive (majrūr), given it is the last item in an idafa
- Note: 102 will form an idafa with the counted noun and will change case - مئتيْ رجلٍ
- كان مقدارُهُ ألفَ سنةٍ
- ثلاثةُ آلافِ مقاتلٍ!
Numbers 101 - 999
- The case and gender rules follow the last numeral in the number (see below for two ways of saying 120)
- خمسُمئةٍ وسبعةَ عشرَ رجلا
- مئتان وخمسةُ كتبٍ
- إلىَ مئة و عشرين درجةً
- إلىَ عشرين و مئةِ درجةٍ